Congratulations to our Winters Blizzards Varsity and JH Cheerleaders! They represented Winters very well at Texas Tech Cheer Camp this past week! We had 3 members get the UCA pin in forward award (Ashlyn, Kacie, and Kate). We had 6 HS and 6 JH girls nominated for All American cheerleader. Three HS made it and 1 JH made it out of 148 cheerleaders (Abanae, Kaci, Baylie, and Minnie). HS won championship sideline and Abel won creative mascot. JH won two awards as well. Both teams represented extremely well! Congratulations to our cheerleaders and mascot!! We are ready for Friday Night Lights!!

Varsity and JH Cheerleaders Represent Winters at Texas Tech Cheer Camp
July 27, 2022