The TEA Emergent Bilingual Support Division is planning events which provide valuable information to attendees from presenters at the top of their fields across the state of Texas. These events will be conducted virtually over the Zoom platform and will be presented in English. This event will be available in English, Spanish, along with other languages. Presentations in each of languages will be linked on the page below the week of the particular event. The first event starts tomorrow Tuesday, October 17, 2023. T3 Engagement Series URL: See the Recordings button to view the recording after tomorrows presentation. Use the other links to register for upcoming events or access other resources for Parent, Family, and Community Engagement
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
TEA - Engagement Series
Winters High School will crown their Football Sweetheart at halftime ceremonies on Friday, October 20, 2023 in Blizzard Stadium. Candidates are: (L-R) Mikaela Aguero, Dakota Ortiz, Kacie Lindley, and Morgan Yanez. (photo by Lilia Barrera)
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
football sweetheart
The WHS band did an excellent job at the UIL Marching Contest in San Angelo this afternoon! Awaiting results......
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
Notice of Winters ISD School Board Elections for place 2 and 3 this year.
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
We are loving all the Fall & Local Foods! #FarmFreshChallenge #FarmFreshTexas #localfirst
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
Information regarding our upcoming flu clinic:
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
BEST October agenda - roll call - parent & teacher input - approval of minutes - update on fall fundraisers: pennants, yard signs, t shirts, little ceasars - update on classroom parent program - discussion and possible action regarding fall festival booth/auction basket - discussion and poss action re: donuts with grownups for book fair
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
Information from TEA for parents of school-age youth:
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
Happy School Custodians Appreciation Day! Mary and Lorena keep our school looking amazing! Thank both of you for your hard work!
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
Our Blizzard Elementary Support Team is selling Blizzard gear as a fundraiser! Use the link below for purchasing:
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
Here is your reminder to register to vote for November Elections! Use the link below for registration:
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
Winters ISD was able to send 47 juniors and seniors to the WOW (World of Work) Conference in Abilene for a day of college, career, and military readiness exploration. Students enjoyed a motivational keynote speaker, over 100 exhibits, and the opportunity to hone their skills in mock interviews. In addition, Winters was one of eight schools invited to showcase one of their Career & Technology Education (CTE) programs in the exhibit hall. Technology teacher Melissa Gerhart’s Career Prep students talked about, and displayed, student work made on equipment featured in her lab and classroom. Over 2,500 students from 55 schools in the Big Country attended the event. “I don’t think there was a corner turned or an exhibit visited, that an adult didn’t complement our students. The way they dressed, the way they presented themselves, to their confident and courteous behavior—WISD sponsors and students were stopped and praised for their efforts,” said Deb Pritchard, WHS teacher. “Our students were a class act, and the Big Country noticed. It was a GREAT day to be a Blizzard!”
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
World of Work picture 1
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Winters 4-H will meet tomorrow at 7:00 pm FBC Jones Hall. There is still time to enroll for the year. We’d love to have you join our club!
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
This message is for the Elementary BLAST students at school today, Friday 9-29-23. Pick up will be after the pep rally at the Elementary Main entrance (BIG Horeshoe that is between Elementary and the SEC building).
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
Please see attached letter from Superintendent Mr. Sean Leamon regarding incident on 9-26-23.
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
September 26, 2023 For immediate release: At approximately 7:05 AM on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, a suspicious person was reported walking near the campus to administrators at WISD. Law enforcement was immediately called, and the district was placed into “secure” mode which means business as usual inside, all doors locked and monitored, and all staff on heightened alert. Winters PD and Runnels County Sheriff’s officers were present and inves􀆟ga􀆟ng the possible threat. By 7:40 AM, the suspicious person was detained and taken into custody for inves􀆟ga􀆟on. We know there were reports of threats to individuals in the district and the threat of a firearm being seen. All these reports were thoroughly inves􀆟gated by law enforcement and there were no firearms found and no proof that any individuals were ever threatened with harm. All absences today will be excused, and we will resume school tomorrow at our regular 􀆟mes. There will be an increased law enforcement presence in the district and vicinity of the schools to help monitor and help ease the apprehension of our students. Winters ISD takes the safety of its students and staff very seriously and will con􀆟nue to work hard to provide a safe environment for all. Thank you for your pa􀆟ence and understanding. Sincerely, Sean Leamon WISD Superintendent
Coleman Cross Country Meet -Issac Sanchez 1st Place Varsity Boys -Jacqueline Rodriguez 10th place 7th Grade Girls -Woody Rios 6th place JH Boys -Laila Aguero 6th place 8th Grade Girls Congratulations!
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
Coleman Cross Country Meet -Issac Sanchez 1st Place Varsity Boys -Jacqueline Rodriguez 10th place 7th Grade Girls -Woody Rios 6th place JH Boys -Laila Aguero 6th place 8th Grade Girls Congratulations!
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
Issac Sanchez 17th place 2A at 2023 Lubbock Invitational Cross Country Meet on Saturday. Congratulations!!
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
The suspicious person of interest has been located by the police and they are being investigated. WISD will resume school as normal. We are thankful for the quick work of the Police and are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Your children's safety is our utmost importance to us, and we will always err on the side of caution.
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD
Pep rallies will now be at 12pm instead of 12:15pm. Everyone come out and support our Blizzards! 💙💙💙
over 1 year ago, Winters ISD