A message from Mrs. Flippin, Coach McCarty, and Mr. Green. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8b0tG6wXDM
over 55 years ago, Winters ISD
Here is our amended 2022-2023 school calendar!
over 55 years ago, Winters ISD
Winters ISD will start with one in town route starting on the 10th . Route Description : Stop #1 – West Truett St. behind First Baptist Church. ( P/U 7:00 AM -7:05 AM ) Stop #2 – South Arlington St and State St. ( P/U 7:05 AM – 7:10 AM ) All buses will unload at Cafeteria at 7:15 am All rural route pick ups will be 15 minutes earlier than last year.
over 55 years ago, Winters ISD
bus route info
Don’t forget about our important dates! Tonight is the Back to School Blessing at the North Main COC and tomorrow we will have our orientation and Title 1 meetings for WJH and WHS as well as Meet the Teacher and Title 1 meeting for WES.
over 55 years ago, Winters ISD
important dates
New 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Hotline for Mental Health Support
over 2 years ago, Winters ISD
New 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Hotline for Mental Health Support - https://988lifeline.org/
Please follow the link below for additional information and to complete the Continuity of Services Plan Stakeholder Input Survey. Responses are due by midnight on Friday, August 12, 2022, and will be reviewed for updates/changes in the Continuity of Services Plan for our district. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWsLAw3N60mgzpw3D4JNFdaHijk97y1LruHXwfmCvBtsb2Ew/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 55 years ago, Winters ISD
There will be a Back to School blessing at the North Main Church of Christ on August 7th at 5pm. A hamburger meal will follow. We would love to see you all there! #whywinters
over 55 years ago, Kiersten England
Back to School blessing
We enjoyed lunch at The Rock Hotel to fuel our campus meeting filled day yesterday! Thank you to the helping hands that served us and our hardworking staff putting the WIN back in WINters. #whywinters
over 55 years ago, Winters ISD
Secondary Campus Meeting
Lunch at The Rock Hotel
We started back in full swing yesterday for our first day! We are thrilled for the new year and working hard to make it one of the best yet. A huge THANK YOU to Security State Bank for providing our breakfast and to 1st Community Credit Union for donating Blizzard tees!
over 55 years ago, Winters ISD
Security State Bank
First Day
First Day
1st Community Credit Union
WHS orientation and Title I meeting for the 2022-2023 school year will be Monday, August 8 at 7:30pm in cafeteria. A hot dog supper will also be held in the SEC from 5:30-8:30pm. Registration packets will be handed out at this time. You will be able to pick up your schedule on Tuesday, August 9 at 9am when you return your completed registration packet.
over 55 years ago, Winters ISD
Reminder: Homecoming Sept. 16 Blizzards vs Miles Bulldogs
over 55 years ago, Winters ISD
Any new students to Winters High School or Winters Junior High School may come to the high school office or any new Winters Elementary students may go to elementary office beginning Monday, August 1 from 8am-12pm and 1pm-4pm to enroll and register for classes. If you have any questions, feel free to call 325-754-5574.
over 55 years ago, Winters ISD
WINTERS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT Join us on August 8th at 5:30pm Those new to WISD will need to register on August 1st in the Winters Elementary Office.
over 55 years ago, Winters ISD
Just wishing everyone a great day!
over 55 years ago, Winters ISD